Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"THE FEAR OF THE LORD - part 2" (Pr. 8:13; 16:6; Rev. 19:5-8)

"The FEAR OF THE LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate." -(Pr. 8:13)

"By mercy and Truth iniquity is purged: and by the FEAR OF THE LORD men depart from evil." -(Pr. 16:6)

"And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and YE THAT FEAR HIM, both small and great.
And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of mighty waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready.
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white (or "bright"): for the fine linen is the Righteousness of saints." -(Rev. 19:5-8)

This is "part 2" of a treatise on a very significant Bible doctrine called "The Fear of THE LORD", found extensively from cover to cover in the Holy Bible (KJ or NAS versions, which come closest to the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts).
In this second part, I shall hone in on this great subject specifically, along with "sin", "repentance", and "law". Finally, I shall tie all of this in with the "Message of the Cross for Sanctification". I suggest that before reading this "part 2", you first read "part 1", which lays a foundation for this one.

"The FEAR OF THE LORD", as we saw the first two of our opening scriptures, is very closely linked to hating EVIL, and turning AWAY FROM evil. When we speak of "evil", we are of course speaking of... "SIN", which is the transgression of God's moral "law": the ten commandments.
The "child", so-to-speak, of "the fear of the Lord" is "REPENTANCE". It is THROUGH the fear of the Lord that men DO repent, for "by the fear of the Lord men 'depart from evil'" -(Pr. 16:6).


No one should have to be on that person's back all the time telling him... "Don't watch THIS", or "Don't listen to THAT!". For if the person is "choosing" (yes, it is a CHOICE) "the fear of the Lord", he will be listening to (and heeding) the Voice of THE HOLY SPIRIT, Who shall convict him of this or that, without some preacher making a "law" out of it FOR him. Personal convictions on music, tv watching, dress attire, and a million other things cannot be "legislated" from the pulpit in a legalistic fashion; Otherwise, folks are sunk into a system of "do's and don'ts", basing their walk with God upon faith in SELF and the keeping of rules = "LAW", rather than faith exclusively in Christ's Blood Sacrifice = GRACE.

That person who has "the fear of the Lord" is most bles-sed indeed, for he will have this mind-set: "HOW SHALL I SIN AGAINST THE GOD WHOM I LOVE?!". Plain and simple, he/she will have no PART in watching, listening to, doing... things which contain that which God hates!! No, and it will not be some "rule" from the preacher, no "facts" that he has obtained intellectually through "research", whether done by himself or another. When the most popular tv sitcom in America is on tv, he will instantly recognize...... FORNICATION IS EVIL. And since he has "the fear of the Lord", and HATES evil, he will instantly think.... "ABOMINATION!.... HOW shall I sin against my God, and watch this terrible thing for entertainment?!!" (I will let you find out for yourself what that tv show is!). Or when he is at a baseball game, and some funky evil song is playing on the loudspeaker in between innings, he will get out his earbuds, stick them in his ears, and DROWN OUT THAT TRIPE with godly music, or else disdainfully bear it!
If a person has this mind-set, if he CHOOSES "the fear of the Lord", coupled with faith exclusively in Christ and His Blood Sacrifice on the Cross for Righteousness , God will then open up the windows of heaven to bestow upon that person His GRACE, His HOLY SPIRIT, His BLESSINGS; But most of all, intimate FELLOWSHIP AND UNION with "He Who is holy", "He Who is pure", "He Who is ALTOGETHER LOVELY" (Song of Sol. 5:16). Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A "knowing" of He Who "satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with GOODness" (Psa. 107:9).

"For Thou wilt shew me the Path of Life; In Thy Presence is fulness of joy. At Thy Right Hand there are pleasures for evermore." -(Psa. 16:11)

The following is a synopsis from what the Bible tells us of "the fear of the Lord". Enjoy:


- does not exist in the unsaved (wicked) man. (Psa. 36:1; Rom. 3:18)

- does not exist in a hard-hearted person , whose heart is MADE hard by the LORD because of "unbelief". (Isa. 63:17; Mk. 16:14; Heb. 3:12; Isa. 6:9-10; Jhn. 12:39-40; Rom. 9:18)

- goes hand-in-hand with TRUST in the Lord, and HUMILITY. (Isa. 50:10; Psa. 115:11; Prov. 22:4)

- draws GOD'S SALVATION. (Acts 13:26)

- IN A MAN, causes God to TAKE PLEASURE in that man. (Psa. 147:11)

- is something which one CHOOSES (Prov. 1:29; Psa. 119:173)

- is resident within THE HOLY SPIRIT (a part of one of His Names). (Isa. 11:2)

- is a prerequisite for true worship of God (Psa. 5:7)

- accompanies GODLINESS. (Acts 10:2; 22; 1 Tim. 6:3)

- promotes the "perfection of HOLINESS" in one's life. (2 Cor. 7:1)

- is to hate evil, pride, arrogancy, a perverse mouth. (Prov. 8:13)

- causes one to depart from evil. (Prov. 16:6; 3:7; 14:16; J0b 1:8)

- teaches one to... 1) keep his tongue from speaking evil and deceit (lies), 2) depart from sin, 3) do good, and 4) seek peace, and pursue it. (Psa. 34: 11-14)

- will keep one from doing abominable things decreed in an ungodly society. (Ex. 1:15-17; Neh. 5:15)

- will cause one to do that which is just and morally right towards other people. (Lev. 19:11-18)

- causes one to respect and revere the elderly. (Lev. 19:32)

- glorifies God in an evil society. (Neh. 5:9; Rom. 2:22-24; 1 Pet. 2:12)

- is the BEGINNING OF wisdom, IS wisdom, and is the INSTRUCTION of wisdom. (Psa. 111:10; Prov. 1:7; 9:10; 15:33; Job. 28:28; Deut. 4:5-6)

- .... along with the keeping of His commandments, is the whole duty of man (God REQUIRES it). (Eccl. 12:13; Deut. 10:12; 6:13; 13:4; Psa. 76:11; 96:4,9; Isa. 8:13; Lk. 12:5)

- is to be united with our HEART. (inner being, motives, etc). (Psa. 86:11; Jer. 17:10)

- is UNDERSTOOD as one treasures God's commandments and intensely seeks after His wisdom. (Prov. 2:5)

- is a TREASURE. (Isa. 33:6)

- causes God to share His secrets and show His Covenant WITH THAT PERSON (who fears Him). (Psa. 25:14)

- attracts God's pity (compassion) and mercy (lovingkindness)

- gives great Strength (GOD'S). (Eccl. 7:18-19)

- gives STRONG CONFIDENCE. (Prov. 14:26)

- extends one's physical life. (Deut. 6:2; Prov. 10:27)

- promotes WELL-BEING and BLESSING. (Eccl. 8:12-13; Isa. 3:10; Psa. 112:1-3; 115:13; Psa. 128; Prov. 22:4)

- brings God's watchful care and protection. (Psa. 33:18-19)

- protects one from impending danger. (Heb. 11:7)

- brings God's DELIVERANCE. (Psa. 34:7)

- brings SATISFACTION and CONTENTMENT (Psa. 34:9; Prov. 19:23; Phil. 4:11-12)

- is a Fountain of Life, to depart from the snares of death. (Prov. 14:27)

- ... and LITTLE, is better than great treasure with trouble. (Prov. 15:16)

- shall be universal in the earth one day (in the future). (Psa. 67:7; 22:27)
Whew! And so you see.... this is very important to God!!

Now to the subject of "REPENTANCE":
Jesus, in one of His very opening preaching statements in His earthly ministry, said this: "..... REPENT ye, AND BELIEVE the gospel." -(Mark 1:14-15). Right here we have God's requirement for man, both to be SAVED, and to LIVE FOR HIM: "REPENT of your sins, and BELIEVE in God's Way (Jesus) and Means (the Cross)." Most people have a problem with "either" or "both" of hese things, now DON'T they? Man, in general, is both UNrepentant and UNbelieving; including most people who attend churches and claim they are Christians. This is the sad and simple truth; The SIN nature dominates most professing Christians and even ministers. THERE IS NO "FEAR OF GOD" IN THE LAND! Everyone does "that which is right in his own eyes", as is the common theme in the book of "Judges" from the Bible. In that book, God's people were in a state of "apostacy", as they are.... today! Presently, among most professing Christians, "sin" is taken very lightly, or conveniently "re-named" as a ... "problem", or a "disease". Or else, it is just dismissed and ignored ALTOGETHER, or acknowledged... but JUSTIFIED!
Sin is very serious with God; If one lightly brushes it aside, he does it to his own peril. His Word plainly tells us ... "Be not wise in thine own eyes: FEAR THE LORD, and DEPART from evil. -(Prov. 3:7). "Departing from evil" speaks of "repentance". In the book of Acts (17:30), the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul said these words: "The times of man's ignorance, God has winked at, but now commands all men everywhere to... REPENT." Repent of what? Of SIN, which is the transgression of God's moral law (the ten commandments) (see 1 Jhn. 3:4; Ex. 20:3-17). Satan has greatly deceived people into thinking that God would be greatly privileged to have them on-board with Him, that they can pick and choose what lifestyle THEY want to live, and to have God as a "part" of "their" life. O how ARROGANT is man in his natural, carnal state! Little do they seem to realize that THEY are not the center of the universe, but rather... GOD! This is HIS world, not THEIR'S; H-E is the Owner, not... THEM. It's kinda like little microscopic DUST MITES acting like THEY own your house, and not you! How supremely arrogant, and utterly RIDICULOUS! "Nay, I say to you.... FEAR HIM Who has power to cast both body and soul into hell."!!!! Truly, "the fear of the Lord" is no option, and God "COMMANDS" that men repent of their sins. They can choose NOT to, if they so desire (and most DO). But if so, God decrees their destiny to be "HELL AND THE LAKE OF FIRE" (see my sermon "The Fear of the Lord- part 1"). You see, heaven is no place for proud rebels, who want to do their own thing. They need not "apply", for God will not have them there; He likes "peace", not trouble and drama caused by "little gods" running around all over the place, insisting upon their own selfish ways! Of this type of man, God will say to His angels, "Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into "outer darkness"! "In your life-time you chose YOUR supposedly 'good things'; But now you shall be tormented by the FLAMES, for ever AND EVER!"

Jesus, after His resurrection, told His disciples that "repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His Name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem" (Lk. 24: 47). By-the-way, Jerusalem, as a whole, did NOT repent, and was completely destroyed in AD 70 by General Titus and the Romans.
You see, "repentance" must be joined together with remission of sins though faith exclusively in Jesus Christ Crucified. God DEMANDS it (no option). This tells God... "I am genuinely sorry for my sins and I am willing to turn WAY from them." David, after having been confronted by the prophet Nathan, for his sin of committing adultery with Bathsheba, and of having her husband Uriah killed, said THIS in the Psalms:

"I will declare mine iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin." -(Psa. 38:18).

To "DECLARE" means to "CONFESS", to "fess up" or "admit" to one's wrong-doing. Not to JUSTIFY it, or to play "the blame game", like Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden. 1 Jhn. 1:9 says that "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." And again, in Proverbs 28:13, ... "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsaketh them shall have mercy."
Behold again, the attitude of DAVID from the Psalms. Now keep in mind, we already KNOW that he certainly was not perfect MORALLY. He had many failures of sinning. However, he FEARED THE LORD, and had a HEART ATTITUDE of.... "repentance". He genuinely wanted, from his HEART, to walk uprightly before the Lord. Listen to these words of his, recorded in Psalm 101:

"I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set no wicked thing before my eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me. A perverse heart shall depart from me: I will not be close friends with a wicked person. Whoever slanders his neighbor, him will I cut off: Him that has an arrogant look and a proud heart will I not respect." -(Psa. 101:2-5). It's like this, from a practical stand-point: You realize you are NOT morally perfect 100 % of the time, and you also know that you cannot be "holier-than-thou"; But yet, in your heart, your WANT TO PLEASE GOD; you WANT TO BE HOLY. And this... is a far cry from the attitude of many, which is... "I don't really care. EVERYONE is sinning; I will give God some hard work, some "sacrifices" in church, and to help people: But yet, this is MY life; ...I... will call the shots and do as ... I... please!" That right there, friend, is a recipe for DISASTER, and is none other than the "spirit of CAIN".


(Please read Lk. 18:9-14)

One very important, actually VITAL element of repentance of sin, is that it needs to be "VERTICAL". What do I mean by... "vertical"? It needs to be "up-and-down" first, between US... and... GOD. Here are some scriptures which demonstrate that:

(Please read Psa. 51:2-4; Gen. 20:6; 39:9; 2 Sam. 12:13

See that? In God's Eyes, whenever we sin, we are actually sinning against HIM, for we are walking in direct rebellion to His Ways. If we FEAR Him, we will be sensitive about not sinning AGAINST Him, Amen?
Have you ever wondered what the main difference was between Saul and David? I mean, both of these men sinned, and ADMITTED it, and yet God cut OFF Saul but yet FORGAVE David. Why was that? Saul ...feared THE PEOPLE, while David... feared GOD. Right there was the difference: "THE FEAR OF THE LORD". In 1 Sam. 15:24-25, Saul asked SAMUEL to pardon his sin, so his repentance was not vertical, in relationship with God . However, in 2 Sam 12:13, David saw his sin as being against THE LORD. And we know from David's prayers in the Psalms that he was deeply remorseful towards HIM. Now... as you see this difference between these two men, you can also see the difference between the "two kinds of professing Christians in the organized Church of today"!: Those who do NOT fear God, and are UNrepentant.... and those who DO fear God, and ARE repentant. The former will gravitate toward "law": Toward rules and regulations from their preacher leaders; The latter will gravitate toward "grace": Toward FAITH (IN THE HEART, not just "head knowledge")... OF JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED FOR ... SANCTIFICATION AND LIVING FOR GOD.

I would now like to deal more specifically with how "the fear of the Lord" ties in with "the message of the Cross for Sanctification". Here is a vitally important statement which I believe the Holy Spirit has given to me to share:

~ "The JUDGMENT of the God we are to FEAR was meted out upon Christ on 'THE CROSS', providing for us the MERCY AND TRUTH of the God we are to LOVE" ~ (scripture refs.: Prov. 16:6; 3:3-4; 14:22; 20:28; Psa. 89:14; Jhn. 1:17; Col. 1:20-23)

So as we "fear the Lord" and daily place our faith exclusively in Christ and His Blood Sacrifice for all Righteousness (HIS, not OUR"S), God's mercy and Truth are freely given to us by His GRACE. This gives THE HOLY SPIRIT the legal Means to move in our lives to convict, lead, guide, teach, and empower us to have VICTORY over "the world, the flesh, and the devil, giving us "ABUNDANT LIFE" (see Jhn. 10:10). O HALLELUJAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahh, do you FEAR Him today? Do you LOVE Him so, and stand in AWE of Him as the all-Powerful Potentate that His is? The King of all kings, and Lord of all lords? IS He your God? Or is "self" your God? He LOVES you; he has redeemed you to Himself through the CROSS; Has PURCHASED you by His Blood. Are you TRUSTING today, and each day, in His all-sufficient Sacrifice? But listen, if you truly ARE, you will FEAR this awesome God and desire to PLEASE Him by not sinning against Him (and no, not by YOUR strength, but by HIS through your faith in the Blood of His CROSS). As Joseph said, "How shall I DO this thing, and sin against my God?!!"

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