Thursday, October 7, 2010


1) Unless a Christian's faith REMAINS EXCLUSIVELY in Christ & His Blood Sacrifice, he will be unable to overcome Satan & the sin nature.
Rev. 12:10-11; 1 Jhn. 1:8; Rom. 6:14; Gal. 2:21; 5:4..... Friend, if you reject what is plainly given here in the Holy Bible (which is what a "Christian" goes by), you cannot be helped otherwise. God has set up just ONE Way and Means of vic...tory, and that is JESUS AND THE CROSS.
Dear Christian, one day the voice of God's servants will be silent on this matter. And yet... you will be held accountable for the Truth which you have read or heard.
‎... by the God Whom I serve.
Many Christians have gotten very discouraged concerning the Christian life, that it is "too hard", and then "give up" (I have witnessed this, particularly with many teen-agers). They have been told, "You gotta do THIS." "You have to avoid T...HAT." And then Christianity becomes to them nothing more than a system of rules, not a living relationship with Jesus in Grace and Truth. At the same time, this effectively places them under "law", which actually STIMULATES the sin nature (which they are told they no longer possess, btw.). And then when invariably they fail (sin) (which they WILL under that mode), they have condemnation to boot! They look at their friends out in the world having a good time, and Satan then begins to lay it on real thick! "Just LOOK at you! MISERABLE!", he sneers.
GOD DOES NOT INTEND FOR HIS CHILDREN TO LIVE THAT WAY... in MISERY! He sent His Son the they might have LIFE, and that they might have it MORE ABUNDANTLY (Jhn. 10:10b). Hallelujah, friend you get saved by "grace through faith", and then according to the Bible you LIVE FOR GOD by "grace through faith" AS WELL- in the BLOOD OF JESUS.... EXCLUSIVELY. And then the Holy Spirit walks WITH you and EMPOWERS you to live in victory over "the world", "the flesh", and the devil! You'll pray because you WANT to pray. You'll read that Bible because you WANT to read it. You'll go to church because you WANT to. You'll tithe because you WANT to give to the Lord's Work. So on, and so on, and so on. Not out of "obligation and duty", but from the.... HEART.
Imagine a Father and a son: The son only speaking with his dad because he "AUGHT to". Now what kind of relationship is that? No relationship at all! It sounds more like a business transaction. Friend, it is just "religion", plain and simple, and God hates that! He wants you to stop trusting in yourself and your performance of "sacrifices" to Him, and come to Him out of LOVE, stemming from faith in the PROPER Object: His SON'S Sacrifice on the Cross!!!! Nowwwww we're talking! You have just "turned the electricity on", and things will start running properly!
:))))))))))) God'll then turn that ole' frown UPSIDE DOWWWWWN!!!! And set your feet to DANCIN' !!!!!

The TRUTH: It remains, and will never ever change: The BLOOD still SETS men free !!!
It is STILL God's Answer, both to be SAVED (Jhn. 3:16; Eph. 2:8-9; 1:6-7), and to be SANCTIFIED (Col. 2:6;1:21-23; Heb. 3:6,14; Rom. 5:9; Rev. 12:10-11; Eph. 2:10).
Right there it is, in the Bible, in black-and-white, folks!! Don't take MY ...word for it; Take GOD'S Word.
It is better to know the TRUTH, to walk accordingly, and LIVE (including "abundant Life" in the here-and-now).... than to live a LIE, and PERISH.
Much of the Church, as we speak, is now "living a lie" by believing that they can sanctify them...selves through WHAT THEY DO. In essence, they believe that they can set THEMSELVES free, and that the Blood of Christ on that Cross was "insufficient". In other words.... "unbelief" in God's prescribed Sacrifice.
Their mindset is... "No, I need to wear a "prayer-shawl"; "I need to do 90-days of purpose", "I need to have a better confession", "I need to win the battlefield of the mind.", "I need to believe in the champion within me!", "I need to ...... get off by myself and pray to gain the victory."," I need to get in the Word more.", "I need to FAST", "I need to have someone to lay hands on me and pray for my deliverance.".... I NEED TO, I NEED TO, I NEED TO, I N-E-E-D TO!!!!!!!!
No, Y-O-U do not need to "DO" anything. J-E-S-U-S has already DONE IT FOR YOU, ON-THE-CROSS 2,000 years ago, and it is not a question of you "doing", but rather "BELIEVING IN GOD" = "FAITH" .... in the correct Object!: "JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED". HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‎..."THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH" (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Hebrews 10:38).
‎"Therefore being justified by FAITH, we have peace with God through OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST." -(Rom. 5:1),...
"Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation through FAITH IN HIS BLOOD, to declare HIS Righteousness for the remission of sins are past, through the forbearance of God." -(Rom. 3:25)
"And, having made peace through THE BLOOD OF HIS CROSS, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself....
And you, that were enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath He reconciled IN THE BODY OF HIS FLESH THROUGH DEATH (the Cross), to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in his sight: IF YOU CONTINUE IN-THE-FAITH , and BE NOT MOVED AWAY FROM THE HOPE OF THE GOSPEL...." -(Col. 1:20-23).
‎"For by GRACE are ye saved THROUGH FAITH; and that not of yourselves: It is the gift of God: NOT OF WORKS , lest any man should boast." -(Eph. 2:8)
"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye 'IN HIM', Rooted and up IN HIM, and stablished IN THE FAITH, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
"... the accuser of our brethren (Satan) is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And THEY OVERCAME HIM BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB (faith in "the Cross"), and by the Word of their testimony (being saved by faith in the Cross); and they loved not their lives unto the death." -(Rev. 12:10-11)

God requires of man two things: That he 1) acknowledges, confesses, & turns away from his SINS, & 2) trusts solely in Christ & His Blood for Righteousness.
... and because of PRIDE, most people have difficulty with BOTH of these things! ...and then come up with other messages, programs, regimens, ways and means (all "works-based") to assuage/numb their guilt.

God's grace through faith in Christ & His Blood + a humble, repentant, hungry heart that fears & loves God = V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! !!! (Romans 8:2; Acts 3:19; 13:26; John 7:37-39; 10:10b; Rev. 12:10-11; James 4:6.).

When one looks closer at any mortal person, he will see greater IMperfection; When one looks closer at JESUS, he will see greater PERfection.
Many look unto their PASTOR and sort of idolize him like he is equal to GOD or something: but the Bible tells us to "look unto JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith." (Heb. 12:2).
We ARE to respect our Pastor, but what he says needs to line up with the Bible, or we do not need to follow him in that regard (whatever that may be). Friend, you do not need to follow ANY man unconditionally! "The doctrine of the Nicolaitains"; "nico" (control)... "laitains" (over the laity): is a big problem nowadays, as it has been in the CATHOLIC system for centuries.

"My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the Strength of my heart, and my Portion for ever." -(Psa. 107:26)
We ALL need the Lord, although most do not realize it, or forget it. (see John 15:5; Prov. 16:18; 1 Pet. 5:8).

Christian, turn that "Water spiggot" WIDE OPEN, by placing your faith exclusively in Christ and HIS (Blood) Sacrifice for Righteousness & sanctification! (Romans 8:2; Gal. 2:21).
"He turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into watersprings." -(Psa. 107:35).

"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert could or hot. So then, because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth." (Rev. 3:15-16). And what will MAKE the believer "hot"? For the answer, see 1 Cor. 1:23-24.
To reject out-of-hand the Message of the Cross for sanctification is.... not... a good place to be!
‎"Activity" and "performance of spiritual disciplines" does not equal "hot" in God's Eyes. It is continued faith in His SON"S Sacrifice, which PRODUCES those "works" .... from the HEART, not as "duty", but as PURE JOY!!!!! GRACE THROUGH FAITH!!!! TO BE ....SAVED. AND TO BE.... SANCTIFIED.

As a Christian, you MUST love & be willing to defend "Truth" MORE than need the approval of ANY PERSON... ‎... including your spouse, children, relatives, friends, co-workers, OR PASTOR & CHURCH MEMBERS. (Matthew 10:34-36).
HERE'S where "the rubber meets the road, ISN'T it? ARE WE WILLING to be persecuted for Righteousness' sake? Like our LORD JESUS was?? God give us men and women with backbones of STEEL!!!!

"The law" is fulfilled automatically by that one walking in "grace and Truth" ("in Christ"). (see John 1:17; 1 John 3:5).
"Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile." -(Psa. 32:1-2)
"For what the law could not do, in that it was weak ...through the flesh, God sending His Own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh (on "the Cross"). THAT THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE LAW MIGHT BE FULFILLED IN US, WHO WALK NOT AFTER THE FLESH (trusting in our own efforts for righteousness), BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT (trusting in Christ and the Cross for righteousness." -(Rom. 8:3-4)

So is this a "license to sin"? No, not for the "humble, repentant soul that fears God" it isn't! "GOD FORBID. HOW SHALL WE, THAT ARE DEAD TO SIN, LIVE ANY LONGER THEREIN? -(Rom. 6:2)
Those who DO see this as "a license to sin" are not "in ...Christ" to BEGIN with, for God will not LET HIM IN!

"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?" -(Rom. 6:1-2). Those who are truly "in Christ" will not want to sin, nor take it lightly.

"FIRE" and "WATER". Now if you stop and think about it, those are two very interesting substances, and both are associated with..... GOD.
Fire "consumes, or purifies"; Water "replenishes and refreshes". The "FIRE of God" will not "consume" that one whose faith is in the Blood Sacrifice of His Son for Righteousness. It will "purify" him. Plus, the "WATER of God" (the Holy Spirit) will replenish and refresh his spirit!
My wife and I like to do camp fires in our yard (I built a burn pit). Know what I noticed? "Damp" wood (wood that contains WATER) will not burn, UNLESS... it is "dried out". That water, spiritually, indeed represents THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Ch...ristian not filled with the Holy Spirit, and more importantly... does not have the Holy Spirit actively moving in his life due to a faith not anchored in Christ's Sacrifice, will be "burned", being "dry". That one who DOES have the Holy Spirit actively moving in his life is NOT "burned". He may "feel the heat", but it does not consume him in any way. HALLELUJAH !!!!
Look, for example, at the three Hebrew men, bound and thrown by Nebuchadnezzar's men into a fiery furnace of flames. They were UN-SINGED!!!! While those SAME FLAMES CONSUMED the men who threw them in!!! Another example (or "type") is that of "the burning bush" in Exodus. God, as a flame of fire, engulfed the bush, but yet the bush WAS NOT CONSUMED. That "bush" is a "type" of US, as we are sanctified by faith in the cleansing Blood of Christ!!!

"Mini Sermonettes" -#8

1) In terms of "righteousness", MAN'S way is "works (self-performance) and earning (relying upon 'self')" = "law"; GOD'S Way is "faith (in Christ and the Cross) and resting (relying upon the Holy Spirit) = "grace". The two are like "oil and water"; They CANNOT MIX!!To TRY to mix them produces "WEIRDNESS" . A sort of "no-man's land" in a "twi-light zone", attractive to neither GOD nor MAN ! This is called... "dead religion".
Some liken this concept, (the BIBLE)-concept, of "Grace" to "anti-nomianism" (NO LAW). However, it is not so. Those "in Christ" will by "nature" WANT to fulfill the law, for it will be written in their HEART. It will not be the case of... "...I GOTTA do this" and "I GOTTA do that." Those in this state do not even THINK about doing what is right; It will be SECOND-NATURE to them, for it is WHO THEY .... ARE. If and when they DO commit wrong-doing (as "the flesh" peeks through), the Holy Spirit is right there to convict them, and smite their heart for them to turn and repent.
It all goes back to the HEART, folks! This is what God looks at and searches. And the only type of heart that He will accept is the one that is "purified by FAITH" (Acts 15:8-9) in THE BLOOD OF JESUS.
If you get your "Object of faith" right, your HEART will be right, and YOU will be right and do the right things effortlessly by the POWER OF THE SPIRIT. ‎.... and again, this needs to be a DAILY thing for the Christian. IT IS NOT AUTOMATIC AT THE MOMENT OF SALVATION!!!!!! If it WERE "automatic", then not a one would ever back-slide!!!!

2) Just as Jewish Christians in the early church were tempted to turn back to the animal sacrifices to attain righteousness; Likewise, modern Christians in today's church are tempted to turn (and ARE turning) to things other than the Cross.
‎"Christian psychology", "Become a better you", "Purpose-driven life", "12-step programs", "Word of Faith", etc.... (just to name a few). People JUST HAVE SUCH A HARD TIME believing that Christ and His Sacrifice are ENOUGH!!!! "Unbelief" is a killer. God will not budge. He INSISTS that one places his faith in HIS Sacrifice (not THEIRS), or He shuts the door for the moving of His Holy Spirit! And the only alternative? Satan, and his "kill, steal, and destroy". .... and Satan works most effectively and insidiously through "religion". Jesus HATES religion (Matt. chpt. 23). It all goes back to unbelief. God hates it, and then people reap the rewards of their folly. Their own inventions deceive them, to their peril.

Unless a Christian lives exclusively by faith in Christ and the Cross for Righteousness [which is "The Power of God", via the Holy Spirit - (1 Cor. 1:17-18,23-24; Rom. 8:2)], he cannot HOPE to defeat the spiritual forces of Satan arrayed against him (Jhn. 10:10a; 1 Pet. 5:8; Eph. 6:12)!!!
Hence the modern weak, emaciated, defeated, "warm and fuzzies" majority of "churches" today.
God's TRUE Church is a mighty POWERFUL, VICTORIOUS Church, without spot or wrinkle, WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB. HALLELUJAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

"The sin nature" does not have any power over a "dead man", "crucified with Christ". And there's no sense in resurrecting a ZOMBIE, EITHER! (R.I.P). (see Gal. 2:19-20; Col. 3:2-3; 2:20-22; 1 Pet. 2:24; Rom. 6:1-7)
If you look at it that way (the BIBLE way), it is ludicrous to "try not to sin". A "dead man" don't have to "try" ANYTHING. He is.... D-E-A-D. Dead to lust, dead to selfishness, dead to needing to be recognized and applauded, dead, dead....... d-e-a-d. (You get the point. lol). And then- O Hallelujah- THE HOLY SPIRIT (that Power Who created the universe) lives THROUGH you, as your faith is in Christ and His Blood Sacrifice for Righteousness! PRAISE GOD, WHAT A LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL BECAUSE OF J-E-S-U-S !!!!!!! O WHAT A SAVIOR !!!!!!!

"Better a hard uphill climb to safety, with a FEW, than an easy downhill slide to destruction, with MANY"! (see Matt. 7:13-14; Gal. 3 10-14). ‎... although that climb is really EASY with THE HOLY GHOST pushing you up! :) HALLELUJAH! !!!!!!!!!

A COUNTERFEIT is known by having a thorough knowledge of the TRUE (see John 8:31-32; 17:17; 16:13). Friend, if you sincerely follow Jesus Christ as your LORD, seek the Truth, and know that Holy Bible, you WILL NOT BE DECEIVED.

Unless one's faith for righteousness is not exclusively in Christ & Him Crucified (speaks of His Blood Sacrifice, IE: "The Cross") IN DAILY LIVING, he will not have "wisdom" to know the Bible as he aught, for the (Holy) SPIRIT of Truth works according TO that faith. (see 1 Cor. 1:23-24,30; 2:6-16). Everything in the Bible fits together magnificently, like the pieces of a Puzzle coming together... as one has this "Revelation" (For this is what it takes, friend: A REVELATION of this). It cannot be just a mental ascent and HEAD-knowledge. This Revelation will only be given to you by the HOLY SPIRIT as you surrender A-L-L to Jesus, including "fear of man and HIS opinion"! I had read the Bible for YEARS, and there were always some "hazy" passages. After I got this Revelation four years ago, it was like "a Light Switch" was flicked, and all of a sudden I could "see" that which had previously been "in the dark". Incredible! And to explain it? Nearly impossible; It has to be EXPERIENCED. Friend, this can be YOUR'S. This very day!!
Most live a LIFETIME "in the dark". But do you realize?.... that there are spiritual "creatures" of darkness lurking to do you hurt, sent by Satan (Jhn 10:10a)? Wouldn't you like to SEE them clearly (again, in a spiritual sense), so that y...ou will be prepared? God WANTS you to be able to "see".
"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I AM the Light of the world: He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life." -(Jhn. 8:12)
"He revealeth the deep and secret things: He knoweth what is IN the darkness, and the light dwelleth with Him." -(Daniel 2:22)
HALLELUJAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.... "And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." -(Jhn. 8:32). "Surely in vain the net (of Satan) is spread in the sight of any bird." -(Proverbs 1:17)

The "Message of the Cross for Sanctification" exposes "self-righteousness" like nothing else, for it lays to WASTE all self-effort for morality in daily living.... and will engender offence and hostility FROM the self-righteous! (see Galatians 5:11; 6:12).
One day we shall each stand FACE-TO-FACE with THE Truth: Jesus Christ, the Righteous Judge of the Living and the dead. For some, it shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. For others, it will be entrance to Life, but SHAME. And for yet others, it shall be "joy unspeakable and full of GLORY"!!!!!

Attending church and doing spiritual disciplines makes one a CHRISTIAN no more than attending a chicken coop and acting like a chicken makes one a CHICKEN! It takes repentance of sins, making Jesus LORD, & faith exclusively in Christ's Sacrifice for righteousness!!
‎.... DAILY! ‎...or attending a garage and going "vroom vroom" makes one a car. Don't get me wrong though: If you ARE a Christian, you will WANT to attend church and do the spiritual disciplines! ... from the HEART! ... not as "a duty". The first... is "GRACE". The second... "LAW".

A common belief is that "we are ALL the children of God". This belief is soundly refuted by Jesus Himself, in the Holy Bible (John 8:44).
One is "a child of the devil" until he is "born again", from above, of the Holy Spirit, of the incorruptible Word of God, a "new creature in Christ Jesus (John 3:3-8; 1 Peter 1:23; 2 Corinthians 5:17). It is a SUPERNATURAL thing of the HEA...RT, by God's GRACE through ones's REPENTANCE OF SIN, the making of Jesus as one's LORD, and FAITH exclusively in Christ's BLOOD Sacrifice on the CROSS. THIS.... is what a "Christian"/ "GOD'S child" is, according to the "GOD-INSPIRED" Holy Bible. ‎... and Jesus must be Lord of ALL in a person's life, or not AT all; He hates "lukewarmness" (Rev. 3:16). Friend, does your life match up?? GOD knows, and YOU know!

Just give me J-E-S-U-S (Matt. 16:26; 13:45-46; Psa. 107:9).
‎"As the deer panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God..." -(Psa. 42:1-2).
"And this is Life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, ...Whom Thou hast sent." -(John 17:3)
"... I sat down under His Shadow with great delight, and His fruit was sweet to my taste. He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was Love." -(Song of Sol. 2:3-4)
"O taste and see that that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him." -(Psa. 34:8)
"And she (Martha) had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard His Word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to Him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many thing (MANY DISTRACTIONS): But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. -(Luke 10:39-42).
"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of ME; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.. For My yoke is EASY, and My burden is LIGHT." -(Matthew 11:28-30).
Wanna know what Jesus is like? Read Galatians 5:22-23. That... is what He is.... ALL THE TIME. ‎... and those that are His will bear this fruit.

Those that are Christ's have "a Life within a life". (see Gal. 2:20; John 14:16-17,23; 1 John 5:11-12). "He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of LIVING WATER." -(John 7:38). HALLELUJAH !!!!

"Traits of the True Christian" (KJV or NAS versions of the Holy Bible)

"The True Christian (in GOD"S sight)" ...

1) is supernaturally "born again" "from above", "of the Holy Spirit", "of God", and "of the Word of God" (Jhn 3:3-8; 1:12-13; 1 Pet. 1:23), "grace through faith" (Eph. 3:5; 8-9; Rom. 3:24; 2 Tim. 1:9; Titus 3:5-7)

....... in "Jesus Christ and Him Crucified" (Jhn. 3:14-16; Rom. 5:8-9; 1 Jhn. 4:9-10)

....... EXCLUSIVELY (Jhn. 14:6; 10:9; Eph. 2:18; Acts 4:11-12)

....... AND

....... by "repentance of sins". (Mk. 1:14-15; Acts 3:19; Lk. 13:1-5; Prov. 28:13)

2) is sanctified to live for God by the exact same way. (Col. 2:6; 1:21-23; Heb. 3:14; 1 Cor. 1:17-18, 23-24,30; 2:2;Gal.2:21;; 5:1-4,11; 6:12,14; Habakkuk 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38)

3) is whole-hearted for Jesus, loving Him supremely above "self", any person, or activity. (Matt. 22:36-38; Jer. 29:13; Rom. 10:9; Rev. 3:15-16; Matt. 10:37-39; Lk. 14:26-35)

4) "fears God", being separated unto Him from sin, worldliness, and enjoyment of evil. (Pr. 8:13; Rom. 6:11; 1 Jhn. 2:15-16; Jas. 4:4; Phil. 3:20; Col. 3:1-3)

5) has "the love of God" (Divine, agape Love) for everyone, including those who hate and persecute him, and especially those of "the household of faith". (Jhn. 13:34-35; 15:12,17; 1 Jhn. 2:5; 3:11,13,23; 4:16,20; Rom. 13:8; 1 Thes. 4:9; 1 Pet. 1:22; 1 Cor. 13:2; Col. 3:12-14; Gal. 6:10)

6) does not hate, nor hold unforgiveness or grudges against anyone. (1 Jhn. 2:9; 3:10, 14-15; 1 Cor. 13:2; Matt. 18:21-35; 6:14; Mk. 11:25)

7) manifests "the fruit of the Spirit" and "the fruits of righteousness" in his life [Gal. 5:22-23; Phil. 1:11; (Matt. 12:33-35; Lk. 6:43-46; Matt. 15:18-19).

8) WILL experience HATRED AND PERSECUTION FROM OTHERS (Jhn. 15:18-20; 17:14; Gal. 5:11; 6:12; 1 Jhn. 3:13; 2 Tim. 3:12), TRIALS (Jhn. 16:13; Acts 14:22; 1 Pet. 1:6-7; 4:12-13; Psa. 34:19; 2 Cor. 11:23-27), and DIVISIONS (Matt. 10:34-36; Lk. 12:51-53; Jhn. 7:43; 9:16; 10:19).

9) experiences "ABUNDANT LIFE" and blessings from God, via the Holy Spirit of Life ! (Jhn. 10:10b; Rom. 8:2; Gal. 3:13-14; Jhn. 7:37-39; Psa. 32:1-2; 34:8; 84:4-5; 1:3; Jer. 17:7-8; Isa. 58:11; Pr. 28:20; Mk. 10:29-31)

10) is led by the Spirit of God. (Rom. 8:14; Gal. 5:16-18; Jhn. 14:16-17,23,26; 16:13-14; Isa. 30:21)

11) has "the peace of God", which passes all understanding! (Rom. 5:1; Jhn. 14:27; Psa. 37:37; Phil. 4:6-7; Rom. 14:17; Col. 3:15)

12) is intimate with GOD in relationship (prayer/fellowship). (Psa. 18:1; Song of Sol. 2:3; Psa. 16:11; 42:1-2; 63:1; 84:1-2; Psa. 63:5-6)

13) loves to worship God, in spirit and in Truth, with a pure heart. (Jhn. 4:23-24; Psa. 9:1-2; 63:3-4; 138:1-2; Matt. 5:8)

14) loves to read and meditate upon God's Word (the Holy Bible). (Psa. 1:2-3; 119:105, 15,23,78,148; Jer. 15:16; Lk. 10:39,42)

So how did you do? That is between you and the Lord.