"The True Christian (in GOD"S sight)" ...
1) is supernaturally "born again" "from above", "of the Holy Spirit", "of God", and "of the Word of God" (Jhn 3:3-8; 1:12-13; 1 Pet. 1:23),
........by "grace through faith" (Eph. 3:5; 8-9; Rom. 3:24; 2 Tim. 1:9; Titus 3:5-7)
....... in "Jesus Christ and Him Crucified" (Jhn. 3:14-16; Rom. 5:8-9; 1 Jhn. 4:9-10)
....... EXCLUSIVELY (Jhn. 14:6; 10:9; Eph. 2:18; Acts 4:11-12)
....... AND
....... by "repentance of sins". (Mk. 1:14-15; Acts 3:19; Lk. 13:1-5; Prov. 28:13)
2) is sanctified to live for God by the exact same way. (Col. 2:6; 1:21-23; Heb. 3:14; 1 Cor. 1:17-18, 23-24,30; 2:2;Gal.2:21;; 5:1-4,11; 6:12,14; Habakkuk 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38)
3) is whole-hearted for Jesus, loving Him supremely above "self", any person, or activity. (Matt. 22:36-38; Jer. 29:13; Rom. 10:9; Rev. 3:15-16; Matt. 10:37-39; Lk. 14:26-35)
4) "fears God", being separated unto Him from sin, worldliness, and enjoyment of evil. (Pr. 8:13; Rom. 6:11; 1 Jhn. 2:15-16; Jas. 4:4; Phil. 3:20; Col. 3:1-3)
5) has "the love of God" (Divine, agape Love) for everyone, including those who hate and persecute him, and especially those of "the household of faith". (Jhn. 13:34-35; 15:12,17; 1 Jhn. 2:5; 3:11,13,23; 4:16,20; Rom. 13:8; 1 Thes. 4:9; 1 Pet. 1:22; 1 Cor. 13:2; Col. 3:12-14; Gal. 6:10)
6) does not hate, nor hold unforgiveness or grudges against anyone. (1 Jhn. 2:9; 3:10, 14-15; 1 Cor. 13:2; Matt. 18:21-35; 6:14; Mk. 11:25)
7) manifests "the fruit of the Spirit" and "the fruits of righteousness" in his life [Gal. 5:22-23; Phil. 1:11; (Matt. 12:33-35; Lk. 6:43-46; Matt. 15:18-19).
8) WILL experience HATRED AND PERSECUTION FROM OTHERS (Jhn. 15:18-20; 17:14; Gal. 5:11; 6:12; 1 Jhn. 3:13; 2 Tim. 3:12), TRIALS (Jhn. 16:13; Acts 14:22; 1 Pet. 1:6-7; 4:12-13; Psa. 34:19; 2 Cor. 11:23-27), and DIVISIONS (Matt. 10:34-36; Lk. 12:51-53; Jhn. 7:43; 9:16; 10:19).
9) experiences "ABUNDANT LIFE" and blessings from God, via the Holy Spirit of Life ! (Jhn. 10:10b; Rom. 8:2; Gal. 3:13-14; Jhn. 7:37-39; Psa. 32:1-2; 34:8; 84:4-5; 1:3; Jer. 17:7-8; Isa. 58:11; Pr. 28:20; Mk. 10:29-31)
10) is led by the Spirit of God. (Rom. 8:14; Gal. 5:16-18; Jhn. 14:16-17,23,26; 16:13-14; Isa. 30:21)
11) has "the peace of God", which passes all understanding! (Rom. 5:1; Jhn. 14:27; Psa. 37:37; Phil. 4:6-7; Rom. 14:17; Col. 3:15)
12) is intimate with GOD in relationship (prayer/fellowship). (Psa. 18:1; Song of Sol. 2:3; Psa. 16:11; 42:1-2; 63:1; 84:1-2; Psa. 63:5-6)
13) loves to worship God, in spirit and in Truth, with a pure heart. (Jhn. 4:23-24; Psa. 9:1-2; 63:3-4; 138:1-2; Matt. 5:8)
14) loves to read and meditate upon God's Word (the Holy Bible). (Psa. 1:2-3; 119:105, 15,23,78,148; Jer. 15:16; Lk. 10:39,42)
So how did you do? That is between you and the Lord.
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