"I AM the true Vine, and MY Father is the husbandman....
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me.
I AM the Vine, ye are the branches: He that a...bideth in Me, and I in Him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, for WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING." -(Jn. 15:1,4-5). "ABIDING IN CHRIST" entails placing our faith exclusively in Christ and His Blood Sacrifice. That is the START, and we must continue in that... daily. But aside from that, in EVERY AREA of our life, we need to yield ultimate control of tha...t area to the Lord, or that area (or areas) will suffer defeat. Some areas will be "strongholds" that we absolutely CANNOT overcome through will-power. We need to come to the point where we basically say to the Lord... "Lord, I CANNOT DO THIS; WITHOUT YOU IN THIS AREA, I CANNOT MAKE IT. I N-E-E-D YOU LORD!!!" Friend, the moment you do that, you have just tapped into SUPERNATURAL POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST. "Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying,
NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BUT BY MY SPIRIT, saith the Lord of Hosts. Who art thou, O great mountain (your "problem area")? before Zerubbab...el thou shat become a plain: and he shall bring forth 'the Headstone' (JESUS)thereof with shoutings, crying GRACE, GRACE unto it." -(Zech. 4:6-7). Right there is our Answer in that scripture passage" THE HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS, AND HIS GRACE. But what is the path of most people?.... "THE FLESH" (PERFORMANCE/ STRIVING), SELF, AND "LAW" (WORKS). While the "abide in Me" refers to us placing our faith in Christ and Him Crucified, the "I in you" refers to HIS SPIRIT FLOWING IN AND THROUGH US, LIKE SAP FLOWING THROUGH THE BRANCH OF A VINE. (We are likened in Jhn. 15 to a "branch"). O HALLELUJAH!!! Friend, do you have His Life-giving Spirit flowing through you, giving "HIS LIFE" to every aspect of your living? It can be yours today!
2. "... GOD is the Judge: He putteth down one, and setteth up another." "... God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." -(Psa. 75:7; James 4:6).
"Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith."
-(Habakkuk 2:4.). I think I see a pattern here; Do you? Pride... not good; Humility... good. The proud soul will trust in self, and his way and means; The humble will trust in Christ, and His Way and Means. God's Way is Christ, and His Means is the Cross- both for SALVATION, and for LIVING FOR GOD/SANCTIFICATION. God, the Judge (not man) sets up those humble ones who rely upon HIM, not upon THEMSELVES... giving them grace, favor, strength, wisdom, guidance, peace, and "all things that pertain unto life and godliness". PRAISE GOD!!!! HE ROOTS FOR THE UNDERDOG !! He lowers the "mountains" and raises the "valleys". GLO-RY to God ! HE MAKES ALL THINGS RIGHT!!!!
3. God hates "UNBELIEF" (Num 14:11; Mk.16:14) in His Son's Sacrifice (Jn.3:14-19; Num.21:8-9) for sanctification/ living for Him (Gal.5:4;3:10-11)!
He emphatically declares "IT IS SUFFICIENT !" (See Heb.10:12-14). .. and if you don't think so too, then He is not obligated to bless you then either. You will be as the majority of Israel who wandered in the wilderness 40 years and never DID enter "the promised land of Canaan". They heard about the "giants and "ites" over there, and were afraid. THEY DID NOT TRUST GOD THAT HE WOULD PROTECT THEM! ...choosing instead to perish in a dry wilderness. Well all I gotta say is....."Not me. I wanna go with Joshua and Caleb!"
4. The church's three main problems in "how to live for God" are "ANTINOMIANISM", "LEGALISM", and "GALATIANISM".
1. "ANTINOMIANISM": The word means "anti-law". This describes those who claim that inasmuch as Grace is greater than sin, then it doesn't really matter how much they sin. Paul answered that by saying, "God forbid, How shall we, who are dead to sin, live any longer therein?" (Rom. 6:2).
2. "LEGALISM": This refers to Salvation (or justification in general) from sin by "works", which actually is impossible (Rom. Chpts. 4-5).
3. "GALATIANISM": This pertains to Believers who are saved by God's Grace through Faith exclusively in Christ and His Sacrifice ("the Cross"), but try to bring about Sanctification by "self". This was the problem with the Galatians and is still the problem with most presently. This is, in fact, the most severe problem in the Church and always has been.
4. GOD'S CORRECT METHOD: Complete surrender of one's HEART to the "Lord" Jesus Christ, with a life DAILY of.....
1) HATRED OF SIN/(plus "repentance" when one DOES sin), and
2) faith exclusively in Christ and His "finished Work"/ Blood Sac...rifice on the Cross for righteousness.
One might look at this and exclaim "That's too simple!". Well it IS simple; However, most people reject either of these components (or both) because of one little 5-letter word: "pride". God demands humility, surrender, and dependence upon Him. If He sees this in one's heart, He will give that person all he/she needs, regardless of who that person is, or his station in life: small or great, rich or poor.
poured out, and the person- even though Christian in name- will resort to any of those first three methods. Deception will be his lot in life (though of course he will not think so), and he will look at disdain upon the person who follows GOD's prescribed Method. Those of the flesh have always be at enmity (in varying degrees) with those of the Spirit.
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me.
I AM the Vine, ye are the branches: He that a...bideth in Me, and I in Him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, for WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING." -(Jn. 15:1,4-5). "ABIDING IN CHRIST" entails placing our faith exclusively in Christ and His Blood Sacrifice. That is the START, and we must continue in that... daily. But aside from that, in EVERY AREA of our life, we need to yield ultimate control of tha...t area to the Lord, or that area (or areas) will suffer defeat. Some areas will be "strongholds" that we absolutely CANNOT overcome through will-power. We need to come to the point where we basically say to the Lord... "Lord, I CANNOT DO THIS; WITHOUT YOU IN THIS AREA, I CANNOT MAKE IT. I N-E-E-D YOU LORD!!!" Friend, the moment you do that, you have just tapped into SUPERNATURAL POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST. "Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying,
NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BUT BY MY SPIRIT, saith the Lord of Hosts. Who art thou, O great mountain (your "problem area")? before Zerubbab...el thou shat become a plain: and he shall bring forth 'the Headstone' (JESUS)thereof with shoutings, crying GRACE, GRACE unto it." -(Zech. 4:6-7). Right there is our Answer in that scripture passage" THE HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS, AND HIS GRACE. But what is the path of most people?.... "THE FLESH" (PERFORMANCE/ STRIVING), SELF, AND "LAW" (WORKS). While the "abide in Me" refers to us placing our faith in Christ and Him Crucified, the "I in you" refers to HIS SPIRIT FLOWING IN AND THROUGH US, LIKE SAP FLOWING THROUGH THE BRANCH OF A VINE. (We are likened in Jhn. 15 to a "branch"). O HALLELUJAH!!! Friend, do you have His Life-giving Spirit flowing through you, giving "HIS LIFE" to every aspect of your living? It can be yours today!
2. "... GOD is the Judge: He putteth down one, and setteth up another." "... God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." -(Psa. 75:7; James 4:6).
"Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith."
-(Habakkuk 2:4.). I think I see a pattern here; Do you? Pride... not good; Humility... good. The proud soul will trust in self, and his way and means; The humble will trust in Christ, and His Way and Means. God's Way is Christ, and His Means is the Cross- both for SALVATION, and for LIVING FOR GOD/SANCTIFICATION. God, the Judge (not man) sets up those humble ones who rely upon HIM, not upon THEMSELVES... giving them grace, favor, strength, wisdom, guidance, peace, and "all things that pertain unto life and godliness". PRAISE GOD!!!! HE ROOTS FOR THE UNDERDOG !! He lowers the "mountains" and raises the "valleys". GLO-RY to God ! HE MAKES ALL THINGS RIGHT!!!!
3. God hates "UNBELIEF" (Num 14:11; Mk.16:14) in His Son's Sacrifice (Jn.3:14-19; Num.21:8-9) for sanctification/ living for Him (Gal.5:4;3:10-11)!
He emphatically declares "IT IS SUFFICIENT !" (See Heb.10:12-14). .. and if you don't think so too, then He is not obligated to bless you then either. You will be as the majority of Israel who wandered in the wilderness 40 years and never DID enter "the promised land of Canaan". They heard about the "giants and "ites" over there, and were afraid. THEY DID NOT TRUST GOD THAT HE WOULD PROTECT THEM! ...choosing instead to perish in a dry wilderness. Well all I gotta say is....."Not me. I wanna go with Joshua and Caleb!"
4. The church's three main problems in "how to live for God" are "ANTINOMIANISM", "LEGALISM", and "GALATIANISM".
1. "ANTINOMIANISM": The word means "anti-law". This describes those who claim that inasmuch as Grace is greater than sin, then it doesn't really matter how much they sin. Paul answered that by saying, "God forbid, How shall we, who are dead to sin, live any longer therein?" (Rom. 6:2).
2. "LEGALISM": This refers to Salvation (or justification in general) from sin by "works", which actually is impossible (Rom. Chpts. 4-5).
3. "GALATIANISM": This pertains to Believers who are saved by God's Grace through Faith exclusively in Christ and His Sacrifice ("the Cross"), but try to bring about Sanctification by "self". This was the problem with the Galatians and is still the problem with most presently. This is, in fact, the most severe problem in the Church and always has been.
4. GOD'S CORRECT METHOD: Complete surrender of one's HEART to the "Lord" Jesus Christ, with a life DAILY of.....
1) HATRED OF SIN/(plus "repentance" when one DOES sin), and
2) faith exclusively in Christ and His "finished Work"/ Blood Sac...rifice on the Cross for righteousness.
One might look at this and exclaim "That's too simple!". Well it IS simple; However, most people reject either of these components (or both) because of one little 5-letter word: "pride". God demands humility, surrender, and dependence upon Him. If He sees this in one's heart, He will give that person all he/she needs, regardless of who that person is, or his station in life: small or great, rich or poor.
poured out, and the person- even though Christian in name- will resort to any of those first three methods. Deception will be his lot in life (though of course he will not think so), and he will look at disdain upon the person who follows GOD's prescribed Method. Those of the flesh have always be at enmity (in varying degrees) with those of the Spirit.
The following are some OTHER problem areas that I have seen:
1) Having merely a "HEAD"-knowledge of God's method, without it residing in the HEART. These type of people invariably will resort to any (or a mixture) of the first three methods ...WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT. Great deception and evil can result from such a stance.
2) A denial that a Christian still possesses a "sin nature", and sort of a mind-set that one has "arrived", with no problems of sin any longer in the life. This is in direct contradiction to the following scripture: 1 John 1:8. The Bible teaches that a Christian still DOES have a sin nature, but that it can be (and remain) "unplugged", so that it no longer has dominion over the believer (Rom. 6:14). The Bible does NOT teach "sinless perfection". If one truly believes this, he is in for a great fall INDEED!
5. "Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.". "..the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." -(Psa. 97:11; 84:11).
Notice the phrases in each of these scriptures: "upright in heart" (in the first one), and "them that walk uprightly" (in the second). A person who IS "upright in heart" is one whose heart trusts fully in CHRIST AND HIS SACRIFICE, for that is the only thing that "purifies our heart" and MAKES it "upright". Then, as a result of THAT... we have the power of the Holy SPirit working in our life to ENABLE us to "walk uprightly"!
There are various phrases throughout the Bible that describe that person whose heart is trusting fully in Christ's Blood Sacrifice for righteousness. In the old testament, every time you see the phrases "the righteous", "the upright", "the... upright in heart", "the just", "them that trust in Him", etc... THESE ALL REFER TO THAT. So, ... every time you see these phrases, that refers to YOU, if indeed that is YOU. Many precious promises and characteristics are attached to these phrases. Take for example, Prov. 28:1, which says that "'the righteous' are bold as a lion." I have all of these phrases hi-lighted in my Bible. So when I look at that verse, for example, it reminds me that I... am as bold as a lion... and I can have boldness in any situation, and with any person. No one intimidates me. In the NEW testament, every time you see "in Christ", "in Him", "in Whom", :in the beloved", "the children of light", etc.... again... these phrases ALL refer to that one whose heart trusts exclusively in Christ and His Blood Sacrifice on the Cross. (I got all those hi-lighted too!) :))). Look also at Psalm 91. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High" IS that same type of person, and ALL OF THOSE PROMISES IN THAT CHAPTER APPLY TO THAT PERSON!!!! I CLAIM THEM ALL, EVERY LAST ONE!!!!! Christians do not realize what they are missing. They listen to, and believe THE DEVIL instead of GOD AND HIS WORD!!!! "Unbelief" keeps one in a dry wilderness. And thats exactly where the devil wants them to be. But they don't HAVE to be! So here's what I suggest. Get yourself a Bible, and a hi-liter, and go through the Bible and hi-lite all those scriptures with those phrases. Start by underlining those phrases, and then hi-lighting the whole verses, and you will SEE WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN MISSING, WHAT THE DEVIL HAS BEEN ROBBING FROM YOU.
6. In Luke 10:38-42, we see a "type" of the two kinds of people within the organized church MARTHA and MARY. What (or WHO) was the focus of each of them?
Hint: Cain vs. Abel... House of Saul vs. House of David.... Saul vs. Paul (same man).... Esau vs. Jacob.... Ishmael vs. Isaac.... Lot vs. Abraham.... Korah vs. Moses. The Scribes & Pharisees vs. Jesus ..... The Judaisers vs. the Apostle Paul. Martha was pretty darn indignant and upset with Mary... wasn't' she? But what was JESUS' reaction about Mary?
1) Having merely a "HEAD"-knowledge of God's method, without it residing in the HEART. These type of people invariably will resort to any (or a mixture) of the first three methods ...WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT. Great deception and evil can result from such a stance.
2) A denial that a Christian still possesses a "sin nature", and sort of a mind-set that one has "arrived", with no problems of sin any longer in the life. This is in direct contradiction to the following scripture: 1 John 1:8. The Bible teaches that a Christian still DOES have a sin nature, but that it can be (and remain) "unplugged", so that it no longer has dominion over the believer (Rom. 6:14). The Bible does NOT teach "sinless perfection". If one truly believes this, he is in for a great fall INDEED!
5. "Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.". "..the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." -(Psa. 97:11; 84:11).
Notice the phrases in each of these scriptures: "upright in heart" (in the first one), and "them that walk uprightly" (in the second). A person who IS "upright in heart" is one whose heart trusts fully in CHRIST AND HIS SACRIFICE, for that is the only thing that "purifies our heart" and MAKES it "upright". Then, as a result of THAT... we have the power of the Holy SPirit working in our life to ENABLE us to "walk uprightly"!
There are various phrases throughout the Bible that describe that person whose heart is trusting fully in Christ's Blood Sacrifice for righteousness. In the old testament, every time you see the phrases "the righteous", "the upright", "the... upright in heart", "the just", "them that trust in Him", etc... THESE ALL REFER TO THAT. So, ... every time you see these phrases, that refers to YOU, if indeed that is YOU. Many precious promises and characteristics are attached to these phrases. Take for example, Prov. 28:1, which says that "'the righteous' are bold as a lion." I have all of these phrases hi-lighted in my Bible. So when I look at that verse, for example, it reminds me that I... am as bold as a lion... and I can have boldness in any situation, and with any person. No one intimidates me. In the NEW testament, every time you see "in Christ", "in Him", "in Whom", :in the beloved", "the children of light", etc.... again... these phrases ALL refer to that one whose heart trusts exclusively in Christ and His Blood Sacrifice on the Cross. (I got all those hi-lighted too!) :))). Look also at Psalm 91. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High" IS that same type of person, and ALL OF THOSE PROMISES IN THAT CHAPTER APPLY TO THAT PERSON!!!! I CLAIM THEM ALL, EVERY LAST ONE!!!!! Christians do not realize what they are missing. They listen to, and believe THE DEVIL instead of GOD AND HIS WORD!!!! "Unbelief" keeps one in a dry wilderness. And thats exactly where the devil wants them to be. But they don't HAVE to be! So here's what I suggest. Get yourself a Bible, and a hi-liter, and go through the Bible and hi-lite all those scriptures with those phrases. Start by underlining those phrases, and then hi-lighting the whole verses, and you will SEE WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN MISSING, WHAT THE DEVIL HAS BEEN ROBBING FROM YOU.
6. In Luke 10:38-42, we see a "type" of the two kinds of people within the organized church MARTHA and MARY. What (or WHO) was the focus of each of them?
Hint: Cain vs. Abel... House of Saul vs. House of David.... Saul vs. Paul (same man).... Esau vs. Jacob.... Ishmael vs. Isaac.... Lot vs. Abraham.... Korah vs. Moses. The Scribes & Pharisees vs. Jesus ..... The Judaisers vs. the Apostle Paul. Martha was pretty darn indignant and upset with Mary... wasn't' she? But what was JESUS' reaction about Mary?
(38) "Now it came to pass, as they went, that He entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received Him into her house. (39) And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard His Word. (40) ...But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to Him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me. (41) And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things. (42) But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." -Our text: (Lk. 10:38-42).
MARTHA: Verse 40 states that "Martha was cumbered about with much serving". In verse 41, Jesus says that she was "careful and troubled about many things". This is characteristic of 'THOSE WALKING AFTER THE FLESH". These are professing Chr...istians who are focused upon THEIR PERFORMANCE OF DO'S AND DON'TS (ie: "LAW). They offer up to God something OTHER THAN God's prescribed Sacrifice, or offer a MIXTURE which always includes something which THEY earn, out of p-r-i-d-e in the h-e-a-r-t. The fruit of their lives and character WILL BE "the works of the flesh" (Gal. 5:19-21). Hatred and persecution of others many times follows. There will invariably be a critical, fault-finding spirit towards others. Because they are not close to the Lord, and shown His grace (because of mis-placed faith), they will not show any grace towards others either, but will "crack the whip" like a Hitler.
MARY: Verse 39 states that "Mary sat at Jesus' feet, and heard His Word." There was work that needed done, yet her FOCUS was upon JESUS, and what HE had to say, plain and simple. In verse 41, Jesus states that she "hath chosen that good part". This is characteristic of "THOSE WALKING AFTER THE SPIRIT". These are true Christians who are focused upon CHRIST and HIS Sacrifice : that Blood Sacrifice on THE CROSS. (ie: "GRACE through faith"). They rely totally by faith UPON that ONE AND ONLY SACRIFICE, not theirs, or even a MIXTURE of theirs, out of h-u-m-i-l-i-t-y of heart. The fruit of their lives and character WILL BE "the fruit of the Spirit" (Gal. 5:22-23). Love for all men, including enemies, will ALWAYS follow this type of person. Grace will be extended towards others, because this person KNOWS that if not for the grace of God, he is a most miserable sinner INDEED! BEHOLD, THE TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE WITHIN THE ORGANIZED CHURCH. IT HAS BEEN THIS WAY FOR CENTURIES !!!! BELIEVING MUST ALWAYS PRECEDE DOING. BELIEVING (FAITH) RESIDES... IN THE H-E-A-R-T (Rom. 1...0:10). If the HEART is right, the PERSON will be right! ... and if the heart is not right, LEGALISM/ LAW will always be the order of the day. Nit-picking about certain activities, and transferring "personal convictions" upon others.
7. "... If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of Living Water. But this spake He of the Spirit..." -(Jhn. 7:37-38).
MARY: Verse 39 states that "Mary sat at Jesus' feet, and heard His Word." There was work that needed done, yet her FOCUS was upon JESUS, and what HE had to say, plain and simple. In verse 41, Jesus states that she "hath chosen that good part". This is characteristic of "THOSE WALKING AFTER THE SPIRIT". These are true Christians who are focused upon CHRIST and HIS Sacrifice : that Blood Sacrifice on THE CROSS. (ie: "GRACE through faith"). They rely totally by faith UPON that ONE AND ONLY SACRIFICE, not theirs, or even a MIXTURE of theirs, out of h-u-m-i-l-i-t-y of heart. The fruit of their lives and character WILL BE "the fruit of the Spirit" (Gal. 5:22-23). Love for all men, including enemies, will ALWAYS follow this type of person. Grace will be extended towards others, because this person KNOWS that if not for the grace of God, he is a most miserable sinner INDEED! BEHOLD, THE TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE WITHIN THE ORGANIZED CHURCH. IT HAS BEEN THIS WAY FOR CENTURIES !!!! BELIEVING MUST ALWAYS PRECEDE DOING. BELIEVING (FAITH) RESIDES... IN THE H-E-A-R-T (Rom. 1...0:10). If the HEART is right, the PERSON will be right! ... and if the heart is not right, LEGALISM/ LAW will always be the order of the day. Nit-picking about certain activities, and transferring "personal convictions" upon others.
7. "... If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of Living Water. But this spake He of the Spirit..." -(Jhn. 7:37-38).
Friend, are you thirsty for J-E-S-U-S, more than for the poisoned waters from the broken cisterns of this evil world?
"For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS, and hewed them o...ut cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. Is Israel (representing God's people, past and present) a servant? Is he a 'homeborn slave'? Why is he spoiled?" -(Jer. 2:13-14)
"As the deer panteth after the Water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: When shall I come and appear before God? -(Psa. 42:1-2)
"O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek Thee: my soul thisteth for Thee: My flesh longeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is." -(Psa. 63:1)
"Ho, EVERY ONE THAT THIRSTETH, come ye to the Waters, and he that hath no money..." -(Isa. 55:1)
"And He (Jesus) showed me a pure River of Water of Life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of "THE LAMB" (This title of Jesus indicative of His redemptive Work on THE CROSS)." -(Rev. 22:1)
"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. ... And let HIM THAT IS THIRSTY come. And whomsoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely." -(Rev. 22:17).
Friend, are you thirsty for J-E-S-U-S, more than for the poisoned waters from the broken cisterns of this evil world?
"For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS, and hewed them o...ut cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. Is Israel (representing God's people, past and present) a servant? Is he a 'homeborn slave'? Why is he spoiled?" -(Jer. 2:13-14)
"As the deer panteth after the Water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: When shall I come and appear before God? -(Psa. 42:1-2)
"O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek Thee: my soul thisteth for Thee: My flesh longeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is." -(Psa. 63:1)
"Ho, EVERY ONE THAT THIRSTETH, come ye to the Waters, and he that hath no money..." -(Isa. 55:1)
"And He (Jesus) showed me a pure River of Water of Life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of "THE LAMB" (This title of Jesus indicative of His redemptive Work on THE CROSS)." -(Rev. 22:1)
"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. ... And let HIM THAT IS THIRSTY come. And whomsoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely." -(Rev. 22:17).
IT BEGINS WITH THAT THIRST FOR J-E-S-U-S ALONE, from the HEART. A whole-heartedness for Him above aNY one else or anyTHING else.
Then (AND ONLY THEN), will He allow you to enter into the Process whereby you can DRINK FROM HIM, through the po...uring out of His SPIRIT to you.
And THIS can only come about by one Means: (your faith being exclusively in "the Cross". Ie: His Blood Sacrifice). A beautiful "type of this is found in Ex. 17:6:
"Behold I (the Lord) will stand before thee (Moses) there upon the rock in Horeb: and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel."
The "smiting of the Rock", in this instance, represents JESUS (THE "ROCK") being smitten on our behalf upon the Cross, to pay our sins. The "water coming out of the rock" represents THE HOLY SPIRIT BEING POURED FORTH TO "THE THIRSTY".
Then (AND ONLY THEN), will He allow you to enter into the Process whereby you can DRINK FROM HIM, through the po...uring out of His SPIRIT to you.
And THIS can only come about by one Means: (your faith being exclusively in "the Cross". Ie: His Blood Sacrifice). A beautiful "type of this is found in Ex. 17:6:
"Behold I (the Lord) will stand before thee (Moses) there upon the rock in Horeb: and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel."
The "smiting of the Rock", in this instance, represents JESUS (THE "ROCK") being smitten on our behalf upon the Cross, to pay our sins. The "water coming out of the rock" represents THE HOLY SPIRIT BEING POURED FORTH TO "THE THIRSTY".
One can then also have a DAILY supply of this "Water of Life" only as he CONTINUES to place his faith in "the smitten Rock" (Jesus Christ and Him CRUCIFIED), indicating that our faith must not only be in JESUS, but also on SACRIFICE as well.... This keeps us "IN CHRIST", and partakers of "the law of the Spirit of Life"
"For the law of the Spirit of Live IN CHRIST Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death (the sin nature through the flesh)." -(Rom. 8:2)
Our faith must ever (DAILY) be in JESUS and WHAT HE HAS DONE. Not just "Jesus", but "JESUS: WHO HE IS AND WHAT HE HAS DONE". Those two elements MUST be the Object of our faith. God DEMANDS this. OUR sacrifices are not sufficient to keep us justified in His sight. Our faith must be in HIS Sacrifice: HIS SON AT CALVARY! HALLELUJAH!!! Ahhhh do you SEE this, friend? Once you are able to grasp this, your life will never be the same!!! You can then walk DAILY in "ABUNDANT LIFE" !!!! And it will not just be "an emotional high"; It will be SPIRITUAL REALITY", which will influence every facet of your life!!! ... Those "Living Waters" of God's Spirit will then be able to flow in every "dry area", healing and cleansing them of all impurity! Ahhh do you BELIEVE ?!!!! He desires you to prosper and be in health: SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY (3 John 2; 1 Thes. 5:23; Psa. 91)! Are you convinced??
8. We each need to "guard our heart with all diligence" (Pr. 4:23; Mt. 15:18-20; Mk. 7:20-23), or we can have a mind like ....MARY, wanting to show love and grace, but have a heart like.... MARTHA , manifesting bitterness and legalism (see Lk. 10:38-42; Rom. 10:1-2; Jude 21; 1 Jn. 3:11-12). BEWARE, MY BRETHREN. SATAN WIL...L ATTEMPT TO MAKE IT SO, AND IS SUCCEEDING IN MANY CASES!!
Martha was "careful and troubled about many things". Is that you? Or do you delight in "sitting at Jesus's feet, hearing His Word? (like Mary). Friend... you are either ONE... or the OTHER. Notice in that story of Martha and Mary, there was not little Jolene in the middle. ...(Luke 10:38-42). Can't play it "half-way"; Jesus says.... "BLAH!" (Rev. 3:15-16).
9. "Abundant Life, and Persecution": The lot of "the Righteous" (those "in Christ" through repentance of sins and faith exclusively in Christ's Blood Sacrifice... daily). -John 10:10; 15:19-20. f you don't got those, you should be scratching your head and wondering why, 'cuz its right there in the Bible, friend. There are MANY more scriptures on this than those I have listed, all throughout the Bible. The "abundant Life" comes from the Holy SPirit, poured out from the Father, through Jesus and THE CROSS, to US. The "persecution" comes mainly from the "religious".
10. What exactly are the characteristics, both the inward and outward signs of having Abundant Life in Christ?
Those characteristics are found right in the Bible for everyone, plain as day. Most people would feel like hitting themselves in the head once they are truly aware of what I am... about to say..... They are ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD FOUND IN THE BIBLE TO THAT ONE WHO IS "IN CHRIST" THROUGH FAITH EXCLUSIVELY IN CHRIST & HIS BLOOD SACRIFICE ON THE CROSS. Of course, this includes the vital aspect of having A PURE HEART REPENTANT OF SIN (Rom.6:1-2). Glory to God, EVERY promise you find in there is yours! Galatians 5:22-23 detail the INWARD characteristics of this "abundant Life". .. These "fruit of the Spirit" come all together in a "bundle" , and should be evident in a person's life to all. The "abundant Life" itSelf is none other than a PERSON: the HOLY SPIRIT! GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!, Who works exclusively through our fait in "the finished Work" of Christ on the Cross: that Blood Sacrifice". To be quite honest, most do not avail themselves of this abundant Life. They are "disqualified" because they refuse to humble themselves to GOD'S Way and means for righteous, and choose their OWN, as Cain did in Genesis chpt.4. Self- P-R-I-D-E, the bane of all civilization, and the root of all sin. And RELIGIOUS pride is the worst!
11. Things that desire darkness (like BATS) hate the light, while things that desire light (like PLANTS) will turn AWAY from darkness, TOWARD the light.
However, certain plants, being yet plants of DARKNESS, bear thorns and bad fruit (see Heb.6:7-8; Mat.3:10; 7:15-23). These APPEAR to like the Light, but are DECEPTIVE plants. Yet the light EXPOSES them to those who are OF the light! "FOR EVERYONE THAT DOTH (PREFERS) EVIL HATETH THE LIGHT, NEITHER COMETH TO THE LIGHT, LEST HIS DEEDS SHOULD BE EXPOSED" -(John 3:20). "BUT HE THAT DOTH (PREFERS) TRUTH COMETH TO THE LIGHT, THAT HIS DEEDS MAY BE MADE MANIFEST, THAT THEY ARE WROUGHT IN GOD." -(John 3:21). To many within the church, the Lord declares "... I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of A STRANGE VINE unto Me?" -(Jer.2:21).
12. The HOLY SPIRIT, symbolized by "Oil in a lamp", is necessary to "give Light"/reveal God's Word/ Truth/ "the Holy Bible" (see Mt. 25:1-12; Ex. 25:30-37; 39:37; Jn. 14:16-17; 16:13); He can only DO that as we are "in Christ Jesus" through faith in Him and His finished Work on the Cross, DAILY. (Rom. 8:2; Jn. 3:14-16,21; ...Col. 2:6; Lk. 9:23).
There are many folks right now who ... do not have Oil in their lamps. When the Bridegroom comes, these will not be ready (Mt. 25:1-12). Gotta keep those lamps filled to the TIPPY TOP with the OIL ! BURNING BRIGHTLY!!! A bright light attracts "bugs". lol. If one's faith is not anchored in the Cross, his understanding of God's Word will be faulty, because the "Light" by which he is reading It will be "dim". And it don't matter if he has diligently studied it for YEARS by intellect. It is REVELATION UNDERSTANDING TO HE HEART that matters, for this is where FAITH resides (Rom. 10:10). .. and "without faith it is impossible to please Him (God)." If intellect, and smarts, and study were virtuous to God to give victory, why would He have had to send His Son to be crucified? This is kind of funny: I was thinking about the "light attracts bugs" comment, and a picture of a BUG ZAPPER, ZAPPING BUGS came to my mind. :D "High Voltage", ya know!
"For the law of the Spirit of Live IN CHRIST Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death (the sin nature through the flesh)." -(Rom. 8:2)
Our faith must ever (DAILY) be in JESUS and WHAT HE HAS DONE. Not just "Jesus", but "JESUS: WHO HE IS AND WHAT HE HAS DONE". Those two elements MUST be the Object of our faith. God DEMANDS this. OUR sacrifices are not sufficient to keep us justified in His sight. Our faith must be in HIS Sacrifice: HIS SON AT CALVARY! HALLELUJAH!!! Ahhhh do you SEE this, friend? Once you are able to grasp this, your life will never be the same!!! You can then walk DAILY in "ABUNDANT LIFE" !!!! And it will not just be "an emotional high"; It will be SPIRITUAL REALITY", which will influence every facet of your life!!! ... Those "Living Waters" of God's Spirit will then be able to flow in every "dry area", healing and cleansing them of all impurity! Ahhh do you BELIEVE ?!!!! He desires you to prosper and be in health: SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY (3 John 2; 1 Thes. 5:23; Psa. 91)! Are you convinced??
8. We each need to "guard our heart with all diligence" (Pr. 4:23; Mt. 15:18-20; Mk. 7:20-23), or we can have a mind like ....MARY, wanting to show love and grace, but have a heart like.... MARTHA , manifesting bitterness and legalism (see Lk. 10:38-42; Rom. 10:1-2; Jude 21; 1 Jn. 3:11-12). BEWARE, MY BRETHREN. SATAN WIL...L ATTEMPT TO MAKE IT SO, AND IS SUCCEEDING IN MANY CASES!!
Martha was "careful and troubled about many things". Is that you? Or do you delight in "sitting at Jesus's feet, hearing His Word? (like Mary). Friend... you are either ONE... or the OTHER. Notice in that story of Martha and Mary, there was not little Jolene in the middle. ...(Luke 10:38-42). Can't play it "half-way"; Jesus says.... "BLAH!" (Rev. 3:15-16).
9. "Abundant Life, and Persecution": The lot of "the Righteous" (those "in Christ" through repentance of sins and faith exclusively in Christ's Blood Sacrifice... daily). -John 10:10; 15:19-20. f you don't got those, you should be scratching your head and wondering why, 'cuz its right there in the Bible, friend. There are MANY more scriptures on this than those I have listed, all throughout the Bible. The "abundant Life" comes from the Holy SPirit, poured out from the Father, through Jesus and THE CROSS, to US. The "persecution" comes mainly from the "religious".
10. What exactly are the characteristics, both the inward and outward signs of having Abundant Life in Christ?
Those characteristics are found right in the Bible for everyone, plain as day. Most people would feel like hitting themselves in the head once they are truly aware of what I am... about to say..... They are ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD FOUND IN THE BIBLE TO THAT ONE WHO IS "IN CHRIST" THROUGH FAITH EXCLUSIVELY IN CHRIST & HIS BLOOD SACRIFICE ON THE CROSS. Of course, this includes the vital aspect of having A PURE HEART REPENTANT OF SIN (Rom.6:1-2). Glory to God, EVERY promise you find in there is yours! Galatians 5:22-23 detail the INWARD characteristics of this "abundant Life". .. These "fruit of the Spirit" come all together in a "bundle" , and should be evident in a person's life to all. The "abundant Life" itSelf is none other than a PERSON: the HOLY SPIRIT! GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!, Who works exclusively through our fait in "the finished Work" of Christ on the Cross: that Blood Sacrifice". To be quite honest, most do not avail themselves of this abundant Life. They are "disqualified" because they refuse to humble themselves to GOD'S Way and means for righteous, and choose their OWN, as Cain did in Genesis chpt.4. Self- P-R-I-D-E, the bane of all civilization, and the root of all sin. And RELIGIOUS pride is the worst!
11. Things that desire darkness (like BATS) hate the light, while things that desire light (like PLANTS) will turn AWAY from darkness, TOWARD the light.
However, certain plants, being yet plants of DARKNESS, bear thorns and bad fruit (see Heb.6:7-8; Mat.3:10; 7:15-23). These APPEAR to like the Light, but are DECEPTIVE plants. Yet the light EXPOSES them to those who are OF the light! "FOR EVERYONE THAT DOTH (PREFERS) EVIL HATETH THE LIGHT, NEITHER COMETH TO THE LIGHT, LEST HIS DEEDS SHOULD BE EXPOSED" -(John 3:20). "BUT HE THAT DOTH (PREFERS) TRUTH COMETH TO THE LIGHT, THAT HIS DEEDS MAY BE MADE MANIFEST, THAT THEY ARE WROUGHT IN GOD." -(John 3:21). To many within the church, the Lord declares "... I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of A STRANGE VINE unto Me?" -(Jer.2:21).
12. The HOLY SPIRIT, symbolized by "Oil in a lamp", is necessary to "give Light"/reveal God's Word/ Truth/ "the Holy Bible" (see Mt. 25:1-12; Ex. 25:30-37; 39:37; Jn. 14:16-17; 16:13); He can only DO that as we are "in Christ Jesus" through faith in Him and His finished Work on the Cross, DAILY. (Rom. 8:2; Jn. 3:14-16,21; ...Col. 2:6; Lk. 9:23).
There are many folks right now who ... do not have Oil in their lamps. When the Bridegroom comes, these will not be ready (Mt. 25:1-12). Gotta keep those lamps filled to the TIPPY TOP with the OIL ! BURNING BRIGHTLY!!! A bright light attracts "bugs". lol. If one's faith is not anchored in the Cross, his understanding of God's Word will be faulty, because the "Light" by which he is reading It will be "dim". And it don't matter if he has diligently studied it for YEARS by intellect. It is REVELATION UNDERSTANDING TO HE HEART that matters, for this is where FAITH resides (Rom. 10:10). .. and "without faith it is impossible to please Him (God)." If intellect, and smarts, and study were virtuous to God to give victory, why would He have had to send His Son to be crucified? This is kind of funny: I was thinking about the "light attracts bugs" comment, and a picture of a BUG ZAPPER, ZAPPING BUGS came to my mind. :D "High Voltage", ya know!
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