Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mini "SERMONETTES" - #12

1. "For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." -(1 Cor. 2:2). Interesting, how this was good enough for the Apostle Paul (and his central Message, both for salvation and sanctification/ living for God), And yet it is not enough, not sufficient, supposedly, for many of America's preachers in what they proclaim & teach to the people. ‎"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." -(2 Cor. 11:3). "For if he who comes preaching another Jesus, whom We have not preached, or if you receive another spirit, which you have not received, or another Gospel, which you have not accepted, you might well bear with him." -(v. 4).
"I marvel that you are so soon removed from Him Who called you into the grace of Christ unto another Gospel:
Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the Gospel of Christ." -(Gal. 1:6-7)
Most cannot even remotely comprehend that living for God is so simple as trusting in Jesus and HIS Sacrifice. Out of pride and unbelief, they prefer to trust in their OWN sacrifices (many of them good, many not)... which God will not accept.

"For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty." -(1 Cor. 1:26-27).
PRAISE GOD... I QUALIFY !!!!!!!!!! "And He said unto me, MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE: FOR MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN AM I STRONG." -( Cor. 1:9-10). ‎"...Not by might, nor by power, but BY MY SPIRIT, saith the Lord of hosts." -(Zech. 4:6).
Friend, God chooses COMMON FOLK like you and I. He is looking for people who DEPEND UPON HIM (through faith exclusively in Christ and His Blood Sacrifice. Ie: "THE CROSS").

"I'm press-ing on the up-ward way, New heights I'm gain-ing ev-'ry day; Still pray-ing as I on-ward bound, "Lord, plant my feet on high-er ground." .......
My heart has no de-sire to stay Where doubts a-rise and fears dis-may; Tho' some may dwell where these a-bound, My prayer, my aim is high-er ground.
I want to live a-bove the world. Tho' Sa-tan's darts at me are hurled; For faith has caught... the joy-ful sound, The song of saints on high-er ground.
I want to scale the ut-most height And catch a gleam of glo-ry bright; But sitll I'll pray till Heav'n I've found, "Lord lead me on to high-er ground.
Lord lift me up.... and let me stand.... By faith, on Heav-en's ta-ble-land,...... A high-er plane.... than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on high-er-ground!!!
There is a narrow forest Path. It weaves through the valley of the shadow of death, then up the mountainside. Up, up, up. This Path is clearly lit, for you to see your Way. A Companion with you, to teach, comfort, Strengthen, and cheer. No turning back, no turning back. A great hope and future ahead, flames behind. "Thou wilt shew me the Path of Life. In Thy Presence is fullness of joy; At The Right Hand pleasures for evermore." This Path/ "Way" is JESUS, and it's Pavement.... HIS SACRIFICIAL DEATH ON THE CROSS. On the journey, to overcome the storms (with the lord of the forest's hail, wind, and lightning bolts), howling wolves and lustful enticements at the sides of the Path (to get you to jump OFF), AND to be an effective witness for the Lord of the Path (to win others to "Path walking"), one needs to be BAPTIZED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT of the Lord of the Path! :D. .. If one is TRULY DEDICATED to Path-walking, he WILL WANT this magnificent Baptism. The Lord of the Path will expect him to get this! It's in "the Book" of the Path, freely given to every Path-walker!

"For the preaching (Gr.: "logos": word; message) of the Cross is to them who perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." -(1 Cor. 1:18).
The Cross is "the power of God" simply because it was there that the total sin debt was paid, giving the Holy Spirit, in Whom the Power resides, latitude to work mightily within our lives.
As our faith is exclusively in the Cross (that Blood Sacrifice of Christ) for Righteousness, we are in "the Grace of God", allowing the Holy Spirit to move unhindered, unquenched in our lives. This is none other than GOD, the third Person o...f the Trinity, the POWER Who created the universe, FAR SURPASSING any puny power that SATAN (who is a created being) possesses. Every shackle of bondage of his upon us , through "the law of sin and death" can be BROKEN by this awesome Power!!! Drug addiction, alcolholism, temper problems, vices of immorality, gambling addictions, smoking, ANYTHING!!!! THE BLOOD STILL SETS MEN FREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! And add TOO that... the baptism in the Holy SPirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, and you have..... THE BOOK OF ACTS RE-VISITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIME FOR MIRACLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without the Power of the Cross and the baptism in the Holy Spirit, a Christian is not what God intended for him to be, and the devil will "have his way" with the individual, and God will ALLOW it, because the person is in UNBELIEF, which He hates!!

A very controversial statement!: "NONE of us has "good moral character"; There is only One that has good moral character: JESUS CHRIST!"
"WHAT?! ARE YOU ACCUSING ME OF NOT HAVING GOOD MORAL CHARACTER???! HMPFFFFF!!!" .....Preachers are the worst at this! Most, even without realizing it, are "self"-righteous, basing their righteousness upon what THEY (self) do (or do NOT do.), and comparing themselves to druggies, alchololics, immoral people , etc. ‎But what does the Bible say? "If we say that we have no sin (nature), we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
-(1 Jhn. 1:8).
‎"And Jesus said unto him (the rich young ruler who called Him 'good', and wondered what 'good thing he could do' to inherit eternal Life), 'Why callest thou me good? There is none good but One, that is, God.'" ‎"... we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one." -(Rom. 3:9-10).
"But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags..." -(Isa. 64:6).
Friend, I could go on and on with MANY scriptures from the Bible on this! There was only ONE sinless One, AND THAT AINT YOU!! OR ME, OR ANYONE... EXCEPT FOR HE WHO IS HOLY, HE WHO IS TRUE, HE WHO IS.... "ALTOGETHER LOVELY". OH HALLELUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND HE IMPUTES H-I-S RIGHTEOUSNESS TO US, AS WE FESS UP TO OUR SINFULNESS, REPENT, AND TRUST EXCLUSIVELY IN CHRIST AND HIS BLOOD SACRIFICE ON THE CROSS!!!!! ...BUT THE PROUD... HE KNOWETH "AFAR OFF". So if you are self-righteous, you are proud, and God will know you "afar off". I don't know about you, but I do NOT want to be "afar off" from God, when there is a devil wantin to beat my brains out!! ‎...I want to be RIGHT CLOSE TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only our faith in HIS BLOOD matches our morality with His, and justifies us with a thrice-holy God!

Most people, incl. professing Christians, really do not WANT (& cannot handle) the TRUTH (Matt. 7:13; Jn. 3:19-21); Yet God insists that we EMBRACE it, or... He allows us to be deceived and perish! ( 2 Thes. 2:10-12).
Many strike out in hostility towards the MESSENGER of Truth, not realizing that he was sent, out of LOVE, by the Lord... to SAVE them!!! This is soooo tragic, because it is the "knowledge of Truth" which sets men free (Jhn.8:31-32) from the lies of "the enemy of our soul"- Satan (Jhn. 10:10a; 8:44). It's like... they PREFER DESTRUCTION!!! HOW FOOLISH!!!!
I got a great analogy from a friend, concerning peoples' preference for LIES rather than TRUTH:
"A horse will always return to a barn, because the barn is a place of security... EVEN IF THE BARN IS BURNING. When the barn is burning, one ...has to actually blindfold the horse so it can't see the flames, otherwise you won't be able to remove him from the very flames that terrify him!"
A person living in a life of lies is LIKE that horse in the burning barn. It, even though a DEATH TRAP, is still a place of security for him.

A person's acceptance or rejection by God is based upon his acceptance of rejection of Christ's Sacrifice (salvation). A Christian's victory or defeat in living for God is based upon his acceptance or rejection of Christ's Sacrifice (sanctification).
Therefore, one can still be saved, yet not experience the "abundant Life" (Jhn. 10:10) which God would like for him to possess! As for the one who IS living in "abundant Life"...It does not mean he is LOVED more by God, nor that he is a better person. It simply means he is submitting to what God has clearly laid out in the Bible, and then blessed accordingly. This applies to everyone, for God is no respector of persons. If the Christian does not rely completely (no mixture with works) upon the Sacrifice of Christ for righteousness in daily living, he will "frustrate the grace of God", and potentially "fall from Grace" if he stubbornly continues in this path (Gal. 2:21; 5:4). Again, this applies to everyone. This is GOD'Ss Word, not mine. I am but a servant and messenger of God, called to let you know, and to warn you.

God loves ALL (Jn. 3:16; 2 Pet. 3:9), but a person's FREE WILL (CHOICE) will determine his destiny: Whether or not he will be SAVED, and then whether or not he will WALK IN "ABUNDANT LIFE"! The deciding Factor: THE CROSS OF CHRIST!!
... whosoever WILL, let him take the Water of Life freely." -(Rev. 22:17).
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore CHOOSE Life..." -(Deut. 30:19).
"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord (by grace through faith in His Sacrifice), so wak ye in Him." -(Col. 2:6).
‎"And you...hath he reconciled .... In the body of His flesh through death (on the Cross), to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight: IF YE CONTINUE in 'the faith' (Jesus Christ and Him Crucified) grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel (Jesus Christ and Him crucified)..". -(Col. 1:21-23).
"For we are made partakers of Christ, IF we hold the beginning of our confidence (God's grace through faith in Christ AND His Sacrifice) stedfast unto the end." -(Heb. 3:14).
Are ya seein' it?? A CHOICE. IT IS UP TO US! God will force His Way upon no one.
And then most preachers and holiness church folk will say...We are only blessed if we are OBEDIENT. Yes, but in the NEW Covenant (of which we are in), this obedience refers to "the obedience of FAITH" (Romans 16:26). And what IS "the faith"...? It is "JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED" (1 Cor. 2:2). The good works of obedience must FOLLOW a faith exclusively in THAT, from the heart, and not out of duty! You say... "Well, I KNOW this!" No, you DON'T if you think that becoming more spiritual/pleasing to God involves reading your Bible more or consistently, praying more or consistently, gaining more knowledge from seminars, books, doing things for your church, .... whatever. ANYthing other than faith ONLY in Christ and What He did at the Cross is "walking in the flesh", and God CANNOT bless that!
YOU ARE FRUSTRATING THE GRACE OF GOD, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT CANNOT MOVE IN THAT TO IMPART HIS LIFE!!!! hat is the opposite of Life? Deadness. If you are feeling spiritually dry, this is most certainly the reason! YOU HAVE A CHOICE! TAKE THAT LEAP OF FAITH, AND BREAK O-U-T OF YOUR FUNK, WHOMEVER YOU ARE !! GOD LOVES YOU! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE THERE!!! Cast OFF the opinions of man ! It's GOD'S Opinion that will PREVAIL !!!!! HE holds your future, not THEM !!!!! They have their OWN lives to deal with!!! And cannot help you !!!! It's ALL..... EVERYTHING... by "GRACE THROUGH FAITH". It can be no other way. God insists upon it! ‎...not even a MIXTURE! (This is what most in the church world cannot accept). Most get saved by faith alone ( but fewer and fewer these days), and then... it goes to "a mixture of faith and works", like quicksand.
Ah, but God is looking for those who will "stretch out their hand" to Him, out of that quicksand, and GRAB HIS OUTSTRETCHED MIGHTY NAIL-PIERCED HAND. AND HE WILL PULL THEM O-U-T ! O HALLELUJAH ! And then..... NO MORE QUICKSAND.... "ABUNDANT LIFE"!

A Christian can be "under the law" (Rom. 6:14) and a "curse" (Gal. 3:10) without even REALIZING it! How can he know if he IS?
To find out if YOU are, answer the following question:... "When you are 'dry' spiritually, and feeling distant with God, what do you do? a) Seek God in prayer., b) Read your Bible, c) Get to the house of God, d) Listen to good, anointed... preaching, e) Read the latest, cutting-edge Christian book, f) Do a good deed or service to help out your church or community, g) NOTHING, except trust in Christ and His Blood Sacrifice, h) Stop watching, listening to, and doing questionable things.
Sooo ... what is your answer? If you are feeling courageous, please post your answer (the letter) as a comment. There is only one correct answer!
"G" is correct, according to the Bible. While the other answers are not sin, and some of them extremely helpful and even necessary, the ONLY requirement by God for justification from sin, and a constant flow of His grace and anointing, is trust in Christ and His Blood Sacrifice! THAT BEING SAID.... if most of those other things are NOT being done, there is a definite HEART problem, and the person really is NOT trusting in Christ and the Cross as he should! Otherwise, he would WANT to be doing most of those other things!

The Gospel of Christ is SIMPLE, but men complicate it by adding to the Message things OTHER THAN "the Cross". (see 2 Cor. 11:3). This includes things from A to Z. There is a whole smorgasbord out there in the church world! The devil has something for EVERYONE.... who does not want the Truth (see 2 Thes. 2:10-12)!

No matter how much we extol Christ, if we ignore the Cross, we are extolling "another Jesus". (see 2 Cor. 11:4).

The revelation of "the Message of the Cross for Sanctification" brings a Christian from "the wilderness" to "a good land, flowing with milk and honey" (Ex3:8).
True... in that wilderness, God will sustain you, but life is gonna be needless torture compared to Canaan! And if you choose to STAY there, with the majority, there is a high risk of DYING there!
I CHOOSE "ABUNDANT LIFE" (John 10:10b), FIGHTING THE "ITES" AND "GIANTS" BY THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD! HALLELUJAH! !!! God wants you to live in perpetual VICTORY, with Satan under YOUR foot! You might ask... "How can that BE"? I'll tell ya how. Satan is under CHRIST'S Foot (Gen. 3:15; Col. 2:13-15); So as you are IN Christ through faith in Him and His Blood Sacrifice... SO ARE YOUUUUUU! HALLELUJAH !!!!!! Ah friends do you SEE this?!!! Will you still have troubles? OHHHH YES! But you can live ABOVE those trials through the POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST !!!

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